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Inverse Kinematics

Inverse Kinematics is the mathematical process of calculating the variable joint parameters needed to place the end of a kinematic shain, in this case, a chain composed by bones.

Inside this code you can find three different approaches: Two Bone IK, Forwad and Backward Reaching Inverse Kinematics or FABRIK and Cyclic Coordinate Descent or CCD.

 * \brief Constructor
ik::ik(unsigned num_bones, ik_method method, glm::vec3 start, glm::vec3 end) {
	//allocate memory for all the bones
	//set up the method in order to update
	m_method = method;
	//set the goal as the end
	m_goal = end;
	//set the start or origin position of the first bone
	m_start = start;

 * \brief update to Inverse Kinematics, result defines outcome of update
 * \return ik_failure, goal position can't be reached.
 *         ik_processing if current iterations have reached the limit and has stopped
 *         						updating this frame.
 *          ik_success goal position was reached and ik was updated accordingy.
ik::ik_result ik::update(glm::vec3 goal) {
	//set up the new goal (end) position
	m_goal = goal;
	//check if the goal is reachable, if not leave the ik as it was last frame
	if (!to_reach(goal))
		return ik::ik_result::ik_failure;
	//call pertinent update depending on method.
	switch (m_method) 	{
		case ik_method::ik_fabrik:
			return update_fabrik(goal);
		case ik_method::ik_ccd:
			return update_ccd(goal);
		case ik_method::ik_2_bone:
			return update_2_bone(goal);

 * \brief checks if the goal is reachable or outside the reach of the bones.
bool ik::to_reach(glm::vec3 goal) {
	float total_length{ 0.0f };
	//get the total length of all bones combineed
	for (ik_bone& b : m_bones)
		total_length += b.m_length;

	//if the distance to the goal is larger than the actual length of the object
	if (glm::distance2(m_start, goal) > (total_length * total_length)) {
		//get the vector direction unit to the goal from start and add the total length and place each bone there
		glm::vec3 vec_goal = goal - m_start;
		vec_goal = glm::normalize(vec_goal);
		glm::vec3 start = m_start;
		//loop through all the bones
		for (ik_bone& b : m_bones) {
			//set up the position (beign and end) position of the current bone
			b.m_start = start;
			start += vec_goal * b.m_length; //add the length of the bone
			b.m_end = start;
		//false since it is not in reach
		return false;
	//true since it can be reached
	return true;

 * \brief update with fabrik approach, result defines outcome of update
ik::ik_result ik::update_fabrik(glm::vec3 goal) {
	//loop through the max iterations unless we have found an ideal result within
	//error margin
	for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_max_iterations; i++) {
		//do backward step from fabrick method and pass as parameter the final position
		//do forward step from fabrik
		//check if the distance from the last bone to the goal is within the margin error
		float distance_to_goal_sq = glm::distance2(m_bones.back().m_end, goal);
		if (distance_to_goal_sq < (m_error * m_error))
			return ik::ik_result::ik_success;
	// if we have done all iterations then we return for this frame and we will continue next one
	return ik::ik_result::ik_processing;

 * \brief update with fabrik-backward step.
void ik::fabrik_backward(const glm::vec3& target) {
	// take goal
	glm::vec3 current_node_target = target;
	//loop through the bones from last to first
	for (int i = m_bones.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
		//vector from target to bone start
		glm::vec3 vec_target_bone = m_bones[i].m_start - current_node_target;
		//making sure the length of the vector is the length of current bone
		vec_target_bone = glm::normalize(vec_target_bone) * m_bones[i].m_length;
		//position the bone start at new position
		glm::vec3 new_bone_start = current_node_target + vec_target_bone;
		//set up end and start values
		m_bones[i].m_end = current_node_target;
		m_bones[i].m_start = new_bone_start;
		//update the current node target to the previous bone start
		current_node_target = new_bone_start;

 * \brief update with fabrik-forward step.
void ik::fabrik_forward() {
	//set the start as current start
	glm::vec3 current_node_start = m_start;
	//loop forward from first to last bone
	for (int i = 0; i < m_bones.size(); i++) {
		//get vector from start to end of current bone
		glm::vec3 vec_start_bone = m_bones[i].m_end - current_node_start;
		//making sure the lenth of the vector is the length of the current bone
		vec_start_bone = glm::normalize(vec_start_bone) * m_bones[i].m_length;
		//calculate the new end position of current bone
		glm::vec3 new_end = current_node_start + vec_start_bone;
		//set up the new information of the bone
		m_bones[i].m_start = current_node_start;
		m_bones[i].m_end = new_end;
		//update de current bone start as the previous bone end
		current_node_start = new_end;

 * \brief update with 2-bone approach, result defines outcome of update
ik::ik_result ik::update_2_bone(glm::vec3 goal) {
	//get root bone
	ik_bone root = m_bones.front();
	//get from root
	float length_root_goal = glm::length2(goal - m_start);
	//get the angle between both bones
	float two_bone_length_sq = root.m_length * root.m_length + m_bones[1].m_length * m_bones[1].m_length;
	float angle_bones = (length_root_goal- two_bone_length_sq) / (2.0f * root.m_length * m_bones[1].m_length);
	angle_bones = glm::clamp(angle_bones, -1.0f, 1.0f);
	// angle difference from the initial position of the root bone
	float inv_cos_angle_bones = glm::acos(angle_bones);
	float cos_root = glm::cos(inv_cos_angle_bones);
	float sin_root = glm::sin(inv_cos_angle_bones);
	//get the direction from the origin to the
	float direction_to_goal_angle = root.m_length + m_bones[1].m_length * cos_root;
	float y_difference = goal.y * direction_to_goal_angle - goal.x * (m_bones[1].m_length * sin_root);
	float x_difference = goal.x * direction_to_goal_angle + goal.y * (m_bones[1].m_length * sin_root);
	//compute the new angle
	float angle_root = std::atan2(y_difference, x_difference);
	float real_theta_2 = angle_root + inv_cos_angle_bones;
	//set up the initial end position of bone 0 and 1 and end position of last bone.
	m_bones[0].m_end = root.m_length * glm::vec3{ glm::cos(angle_t_1), glm::sin(angle_t_1), 0.0f };
	m_bones[1].m_end = m_bones[1].m_start + m_bones[1].m_length * glm::vec3{ glm::cos(real_theta_2), glm::sin(real_theta_2), 0.0f };
	m_bones[1].m_start = m_bones[0].m_end;
	//since we have found a solution, return success
	return ik::ik_result::ik_success;

 * \brief update with CCD approach, result defines outcome of update
ik::ik_result ik::update_ccd(glm::vec3 goal) {
	//loop though all the iterations 
	for (int iter = 0; iter < m_max_iterations; iter++) {
		//loop though all the bones from the last to the first one
		for (int i = m_bones.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
			//get a reference to the current bone
			ik_bone& current_bone = m_bones[i];
			//get the normalized bector from the current bone to the current end position of last bone
			glm::vec3 vec_current_bone_end = glm::normalize(m_bones.back().m_end - current_bone.m_start);
			//the actual normalized vector from the start of current bone to the goal 
			glm::vec3 vec_current_bone_goal = glm::normalize(goal - current_bone.m_start);
			//clamp the dot product of previous vectors between -1 and 1
			float dot = glm::clamp(glm::dot(vec_current_bone_end, vec_current_bone_goal), -1.0f, 1.0f);
			//get the axis of rotation 
			glm::vec3 axis_rot = glm::normalize(glm::cross(vec_current_bone_end, vec_current_bone_goal));
			//get the angle of rotation
			float angle = glm::acos(dot);
			//get the normalized vector director of the bone 
			glm::vec3 vec_dir = glm::normalize(current_bone.m_end - current_bone.m_start);
			//calculate new direction of the bone
			glm::vec3 new_dir = glm::normalize(glm::rotate(vec_dir, angle, axis_rot));
			glm::angleAxis(angle, axis_rot);
			//update the rotation and position of the current bone
			current_bone.m_local.m_quaternion = glm::normalize(current_bone.m_local.m_quaternion * glm::rotation(vec_current_bone_end, vec_current_bone_goal));
			current_bone.m_end = current_bone.m_start + new_dir * current_bone.m_length;
	return ik_result::ik_success;

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